International Innovation Center IIC @Hankou University
Our Research Network is our Inspiration
一). 合作机构:
1. 德国国家科学院与工程院 National German Academy for Science and Engineering
2. 拉脱维亚国家科学院:欧盟国家科学院成员国,下辖很多相关研究院 Latvian National Academy of Sciences
3. 德国勃兰登堡大学 Brandenburg Technical University BTU
4. 英国牛津大学 Hertford College Oxford University
5. ISM Innovation Sustainability Management Institute, Bremen
二). 签约专家名单(更新中):
1. Research Professor Jochen Biedermann约翰•比德曼博士,德国法兰克福金融集团、丝绸之路集团CEO
2. Research Professor Thomas Kochanek托马斯•廓衡尼克博士,瑞士圣加伦大学教授
3. Distinguished Research Professor Michael Henke米歇尔•亨克,德国多特蒙德大学、弗劳恩霍夫物流研究院教授
4. Distinguished Research Professor Frank Kirchner 弗兰克•科齐勒,德国不莱梅大学DFKI机器人研究院教授
5. Research Professor Max Meyer马克西米利安•迈尔,同济大学教授
6. Research Professor Stefan Schack斯德范•夏科,德国总裁协会咨询家
7. Distinguished Research Professor Martin Schottenloher马丁•肖腾罗,德国院士、数学家、产业自动化软件专家兼企业家、慕尼黑大学教授
8. Distinguished Research Professor Axel Kuhn 阿克西尔•库恩,德国院士,多特蒙德大学弗劳恩霍夫产业自动化学院教授
9. Distinguished Research Professor Volker Schlegel沃尔克•施莱格尔,高级德国产业政策制定者、汉堡联邦部长、德国驻外大使兼经济代表
10. Distinguished Research Professor Ojars Sparitis欧亚思•思巴里提斯,拉脱维亚国家科学院院士、院长
11. Research Professor Massimo Neri玛斯莫•涅尼,资深企业家、高级碳材料跨国公司CEO
12. Research Professor Jürg Albert Masson 约格•阿尔伯特•马松,瑞士大学认证与质量控制专家、总裁协会高级顾问
13. Research Professor Dominik Konrad多米尼克•康拉德,德国医疗器械国际质量监控CEO
14. Distinguished Research Profesor Klaus-Dieter Thoben克劳斯•迪特•拓本,德国不莱梅大学BIBA生产与物流学院教授
15. Research Professor Carsten S. Schröder卡斯滕•S•施罗德, 技术转让、媒体专家,原德国国家科学与工程院业务总经理,研究型教授
16. Research Professor Fernando Pozas费尔南多•波萨斯, 国际水务、环保和创新专家,墨西哥,研究型教授
17. Research Professor Christophe Lesieur克里斯托弗•嫘祖也, 金融与风险管理, 法国,研究型教授
18. Distinguished Research Professor Ehrenfried Zschech伦弗里德•舍奇,纳米科技专家,杰出研究型教授
19. Research Professor Christoph Vornholt 克里斯托夫•沃诺特,物流、智慧城市专家,原德国国家科学与工程院院士,研究型教授
20. Distinguished Research Professor Eric Scherer艾瑞克•谢睿, 著名企业软件专家、瑞士科技大学顾问,杰出研究型教授
21. Research Professor Oliver Tieste奥利弗•替斯特,著名法学家、亚洲事务专家、律师,研究型教授
22. Distinguished Research Professor Eberhard Gienger 埃巴哈德•京格尔,德国议会议员,奥运冠军,体育文化和社会活动的杰出代表,杰出研究型教授
23. Research Professor Rosemary M F Joseph 萝丝玛丽•约瑟夫,牛津大学音乐家、音乐比赛主办者、评委,杰出研究型教授
24. Distinguished Research Professor Axel Preusse 艾科塞尔•颇依舍,德国亚琛工业大学博士生导师,地球资源与材料科学学院院长;矿山测量、开采损害及矿区地球物理研究所(IFM)所长;国际矿山测量协会第十五届大会主席,杰出研究型教授
25. Research Professor Alex Katz艾力克斯·卡兹,新材料和3D打印专家、以色列学院教授
26. Research Professor Jens Jürgen. Heumann, Intellectual Property Expert
27. Distinguished Research Professor Seeram Ramakrishna National University of Singapore, Fellow UK Academy of Engineering, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Head of the Singapore Circular Economy effort, Everest Professor
28. Research Professor Dietrich Eickelpasch, Materials Engineering, a distinguished expert in communications, travel, and transport
29. Distinguished Research Professor. T. Sitharam, IIT-B, Bangalore 特·希色拉姆,印度班加罗尔
30.Research Professsor Jürgen Frey, Germany. Expert in Pharmaceutical quality control
31. Research Professor Guntis Kulikovskis, Latvia; Expert in MakerSpace movement龚替斯·库里科夫斯基,拉脱维亚
32. Distinguished Research Professor Modris Greitans, Academician, electronic Engineering and Robotics
33. Research Professor Inese Cakstina, Latvia 怡丽丝·卡斯缇娜,拉脱维亚
34. Distinguished Research Professor Gunther Anderl, Academician, Industry 4.0 Expert.
35. Research Professor Abdullah Ünal, Green Buildings Expert
36. N.N.
37. Research Professor Yübo Wang, Germany, Industry 4.0 expert
38. Research Professor Anja-Maria Seelig, Expert in Systems and Sustainability
39. Research Professor Vladimir Popov, TECHNION Israel, Metals and Nanotechnology expert
40. Research Professor Tom Ayers, start-ups and business acceleration expert
41. Research Professor Kaspar Kalnins, Latvia; Mechanical engineering expert
42. Research Professor Britta Burmeister, Germany 柏瑞塔·贝美斯特,德国
43. Research Professor Gunther Grau, Germany; IC and electrical drives expert
44. Research Professor Thorsten Quade, International business finance, green finance, and sustainable development expert, (ISMI project)
45 Research Professor Thomas R. Koehler, business cyber security and technology expert
46, Research Professor Julia Finkeissen, international art expert, linking the arts with the digital world (NFT project), Germany / Austria
47. Distinguished Research Professor Martin Krauss, an expert in complex high-tech programs and systems
48. Research Professor Peter Samulat, Information Technology, and digitization expert
49. Research Professor Kilontsi Mporogomyi, International Financial Strategist, Tanzania
50. Distinguished Research Professor Jörg Steinbach, chemistry researcher, university president, and Minister for Economics in Brandenburg
51. Distinguished Research Professor Murat Ünal, AI and business networks expert
52. Research Professor Otmar Kratzer, Software and Automotive Expert
53. Research Professor Nagaraj Reddy, IT Expert, City & Industrial Parks Developer, Bengaluru India
54. Research Professor Kaspars Ozols, Informatics & Communications research manager
55. Research Professor Georg Rösch, Information networks and training specialist
56. Research Professor Claire (Kalai) Diebel, Green Rooftops expert
57. Research Professor Xialong Hu, expert in internatonal industrial networks
58. Research Professor Sebastian Paulke, AI and Communications specialist
59. Research Professor Joachim Raczek, expert in IT and financial services
60. Research Professor Goran Amin, specialist in blockchain and financial services
61. Research Professor Rüdiger Kloevekorn, technologies and information sciences experts
62. Research Professor Tim Wenniges, policy and large projects expert
63. Research Professor Johannes Winter, AI, Industry 4.0 platform and technology transfer expert
64. Research Professor Güngör Kara, AI and 3D specialist, industrial think tank member
三). Collaborating researchers 合作研究员(更新中):
Siegfried Wu, Tongji University, Academician 赛斯弗里德·吴,同济大学,院士
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenzhen Cluster, Materials Institute
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Hubei Engineering Center
Tsinghua University, Materials Institutes, Education Institute
Jan Hanken, Germany 杨·汉肯, 德国
Aivars Starikovs, Latvia 爱瓦斯·思达力克夫斯,拉脱维亚
Valentin Jeremejevs, Latvia 瓦棱汀·杰若米杰夫斯,拉脱维亚
P. Rot, Technion, Israel 皮·若特,以色列,以色列学
Dominic Ewald, Germany 多米尼克·艾华德,德国 Digital Agriculture and Aquatics expert
Li Pengzhong, Tongji University 李鹏忠,同济大学
Michael Brehm, Germany ·米歇尔,德国 Angel Investor, Advanced Technology inventor
Green Buildings Research Project, Germany
Foreign HR, Beijing
International Coalition for Intelligent Manufacturing, China
(list incomplete)
Collaborating academicians from acatech, the German National Academy for Science and Engineering acatech
Prof. Franz J. Rammig, Heinz Nixdorf Institute of Paderborn University, Germany, IT and Communications
Prof. Max Mühlhäuser, Technical University Darmstadt, ITC
Prof. Klaus Kornwachs, University of Ulm, ITC
Prof. Eva Maria Jakobs, RWTH Aachen, ITC
Prof. Harald Fuchs, Münster University, Physics
Prof. Jose Encarnacao, Distinguished Systems Expert, Technical University of Darmstadt
(list incomplete)
Advanced Research and Development
IIC is developing into a center of international significance. Current challenges include the financing of its many projects, the support for industrial parks, the development of dual education, the upgrading of engineering skills, and the attraction of companies as research and commercial partners. Initially, the focus was on Made in China 2025 technologies, e. g. New Energy vehicles, engineering, Information Technology, Intelligent Finance, Agricultural automation, Aviation and Drones, Robotics , New materials , Alternative energies, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent Manufacturing , Medical Devices and E-Health, Innovat ive Business Models , Logistics and Supply Chains. IIC will also pursue Intelligent Agriculture and rural renewal , Technical and Biological Sciences , Dual Education. as well as Cultural projects.
Recent initiatives are related to latest technologies, such as the application of NFTs in the arts, climate change related technologies such as carbon emission reduction and capture, as well as Green Buildings.
Below, IIC President Academician Professor Peter Sachsenmeier with IIC Business Manager, Miss Margaret Mei.
Smart Green Buildings
With researchers Professor A.Ünal, ISMI , and other associates, we have established a green buildings research project to explore this important topic.
Pre-prints of research papers are available.
Flash News 2023: Academician Professor Peter Sacshenmeier has been appointed the Founding Editor-in-chief of the academic journal, GreenTech, by the publishers SciLight in Melbourne Australia
Actionable Research combines with Education and Industry
The International Innovation Center is a research and development center at Hankou University. lt consists of numerous institutes and is led by its President, Academician Professor Peter Sachsenmeier. It has an ambitious multi-year plan for the integration o1 teaching, research, and industry.
Hankou University`s Board is chaired by Dr. Aiping Luo.
Innovation and Sustainability
Innovation and Sustainability, Green Technologies
在世界范围内关于气候变化的各种辩论和不同观点,改变了工业4,0的游戏规则。当面临二氧化碳减排和脱碳、ESG、可持续发展目标、资源和能源效率、可持续性、循环性等需求时,工业4·0社区需要一些时间来应对。这位院士及其团队成立了一个研究所一德国创新与可持续发展管理学院(Innovation Sustainability Management Institute ISMI)来解决创新与可持续性之间的联系以及由此产生的对组织管理的影响。
一新业务领域的合并、收购、撤资和整合一国内和国际合规保证 “管理风险和开发机会
在整个职业生涯中,他将杰出的学术使命与国际公司的重要职位结合起来,并在除澳大利亚以外的所有大陆工作过。他积极参与从研究到工业的知识转化。他继续在德国、英国、非洲和亚洲担任高级学术职位0他为联合国及其若干机构,包括世界银行、,教科立组织、,世卫组织和坪現者工作。他是瑞士商业分析师认证组 IBEA的总裁。
Workflow,Europe)的主席,专注于研究汽车行业发展、工业互联网和工业4囤的复杂性。几十年来,他一直是德国计算机学会 (Gl)的管理委员会成员,#担任该学会信息管理网络的主席。
皮特.萨赫逊院士计划在绿色科技和纳米材料领域设立多个院士工作站。皮特.萨赫逊院士还发起了一项由武汉经济开发区 WEDZ支持的倡议,围绕电动车开发一系列新工种。